Why there is requirement of Joint-international force for maintaining peace???.
I am not an expert in writing about geopolitics or related topics. But somewhere in a mind of a hybrid blogger, it emerges to write about the situation in Afghanistan & thereafter to analyse- why it is required for forming an international force to maintain peace all over the world. This writing is not in favour or against any community, religion and country. It's an honest try to jot down some aspects that are inevitable for discussing the aforesaid matter- " Why there is a requirement for international force for maintaining peace"? Recently all of us are aware of taking Afghanistan by Taliban 2.0 . They were in power from 1996 to 2001 . All we know is the barbarism associated with their actions in earlier Afghanistan as Taliban 1.0. Recent Taliban2.0 claiming of being moderate & presenting themselves on social media reflecting their willingness to keep a good relation wi...