HELLO--------- "SALINA"------------------------
Suppose, you are suffering from illness & need to be hospitalised. What would be your next move?
To arrange vehicle for the purpose–right? Some people are working hard to protect us from or to recover from it. Doctors,Nurses,other health workers really deserve to be honoured for rendering their services. In this respect We should include also one category -i.e-“driver’ without whom process of recovering would remain incomplete.
When there is no driver to bring patient to the Hemtabad health center of Uttar Dinajpur district in West bengal in times of crisis due to reasons,then one young lady is always there to extend her helping hand…
— SALINA”–. Salina begum(MA passed) is a resident of Hemtabad of uttar dinajpur, got trained in driving & Carrying patient to the Hemtabad health center on 24/7 basis. While rendering service she is equally aware about her protection against COVID 19.
Such a bold lady never rejected any patient & her parent is proud for her dedication.
For her service, One Health authority of the health center had rightly mentioned her as “DEVI- DURGA (Female deity)"– saving life of people….
But my point is not only to highlight her success story of being a self independent woman helping people.
“SALINA” here is reflecting to day’s Hundred or thousand female gender who want to ask question to the people believing in “Polarization“ or “Gender Bias” or the people who repents for having girl child & encouraging “Female-Feticide” despite of laws related to it. Why do this type of negative attitude exist in our societal frame when we claim ourselves to be modern/educated & cultural social being?????
Actually if we go through our perception towards gender perspective, it can be found even through the advertisement of modern educated woman attached with soap or utensils,assuring the best quality of the product by presenting her feminine aspect. Though over the years there had been a lot of change & now we can see women participating in advertisement like- Fire fighter,coach etc still, in the patriarchal society,perceiving female gender as an ‘object’ had n’t been changed to that extent which reflect through ‘harassment at work place or rape”.
“SALINA” here might be one of other successful women & representing”Change agent” system to break the existing “patriarchal’ pattern & also other causative factor like -religion,caste/class/creed which made us bound to maintain SOCIAL -DISTANCING even before the start of affecting COVID 19 in our societal frame in a hidden & destructive form.
Character like SALINA- BEGUM- also encourages “Beti bachao- beti porao“(save girl child & educate her) & render a message to the male chauvinist or feminist to abstain themselves from believing in either extreme ideology & following” humanism’ which is much more needed .
The need of “HUMANISM” might be acting as a catalyst for providing us strength/power to struggle for existence in the community—-society— State—- whole world, especially in this adverse situation.
While we seeking an answer, SALINA BEGUM might be getting ready to carry patient to the destination—– picking up the phone of patient party—-