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SOA(Saying No, Optimism & Finding Alternatives) Strategy for better living---- Possibility & Justification
https://goodcause6.files.wordpress.com/2020/07/wp-1594123833438.mp4 Did My parents come ? A 19 years old Girl asked the Ward boy. Ward boy told her that they came but did n't disturb her as she was sleeping. That girl admitted into the rehabilitation center before my joining there as a Psychiatric Case manager. I got interested & went through the case history & collected information even from the Ward boy. That girl was forced to opt "software- course(BCA)" for her bright carrier, which she was n't interested. Few months struggle to adjust with that career & to make her parents happy, ended with the admission in this center as a mentally imbalanced patient. Why did n't that girl reject that option as her career? The question obviously reflects an action to be taken--- "Power of saying NO" "Power of saying NO"? I uttered , which reminded my inability/deficien...
Recent Pregnancy of under age girls at shelter home– reflected deficiency in ICPS mechanism & service delivery system..
How do you feel if you come to know about the pregnancy of under-aged girls or a large number of girl children had been affected by COVID19? This had happened in Kanpur Shelter home in Uttar pradesh. Certainly you are feeling bad & I am too. Do you want to get data of what actually happened to those minor girls? Lets go below — 57 girls were found COVID+ve.(On 17th June-33 nos, On 19th June-16 nos & on 20th June-8 new cases) 2. 7 minor girls had been found pregnant. As I have worked with both CCL(child in conflict with Law) & CNCP(child in need of care & protection in different organization, I felt to start my today’s blog with this topic. Before analyzing & highlighting on the issue lets go through our Child rights & protection mechanism. Brief of UNCRC & ICPS & administrative set up:- India ratified UNCRC(United Nations Convention On the Rights Of Child) on 11 Dec,1992 which reflects throug...