Social worker -- Future service provider in Pandemic...............
when I have gone to study Social work course, many people asked my father regarding the course & they thought it was just waste of time because it does n't have any future.
Moreover, in our country , where anyone anytime(for e.g-Politician) can be social worker, there is no need of accessing training or course actually in our society.
Now what is social work?
Social work may be defined as a profession that deals with client( individual,family,community) to enhance their social functioning. It helps to helps themselves . Social work practice started in 19th century in Europe & USA & recognized as a profession in 1930.
Social work deals problems through its scientific process & technique loke Case work,Group Work, Community organization & Social action.
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(Social Group work)
In our society it is yet to be developed as full fledged profession & being neglected over years. Social workers in other countries are working as front-line health workers, as a service provider in tele-counseling. They have licencing system like Licensed clinical social worker,Advanced practicing social worker but here it does n't exists.
In COVID19, one aspect is emerging recently i.e- social work & social work as a profession. After lock down & in unlock phases, number of covid cases are increasing. It is also fact that lock down already had broken the backbone of our economic system affecting our GDP & reflecting fiscal deficit aspect.
Now ,question is arising regarding Life or Livelihood because both are necessary. Specialists are discussing possible ways to save mankind & to let them be involved in livelihood in a greater possible extent. It is clear & even WHO expressed its concern that COVID is not diminishing soon. It might be with us for another 2 years or might be permanent in nature like cancer.
Community people got confused where to go if they have another illness. Expert in various profession like economics,health are in the opinion of creation of "community care center concept"
What is Community Care center concept? :-
As number is increasing day by day, so people had to roam around hospitals to find out treatment facilities. In community care center, person with asymptomatic symptoms or person suffering from other ailments(minor) might be guided by a professionals in local community care centers. Here Social workers can play a vital role in rendering services. Thus people will get their service ,get information & be relaxed . We know that every fiver does n't mean symptom of COVID.
Services by the social workers in CC center:-
- They will do screening at every house based on operational areas of local community center.
- Through an universal portal, they themselves would be updated regarding number of beds available in COVID & NON COVID hospitals & aware local people regarding this.
- From center they might render Tele-counseling service to aware people regarding Dos & DO NOt's & not to be stressed.
- Social workers will also work as a mediator between referral & transportation system & through coordination with hierarchy in the process.
- They might update local data & intimated to the hierarchy for updating in an universal app.
- Social workers can also deal with other problems in local community like domestic violence & exploitation of children during pandemic. During course, social workers are taught to deal case irrespective of situation & they with social work principles & technique like -acceptance, ventilation,counter transference, non Judge-mental attitude can render service at the professional level. In this pandemic or in near future in health system we might require an army of professional who with their expertise would definitely make people stay healthy or make them happy by their services. Recently, in ETHIOPIA, needs & shortage of social workers have been addressed by HERLIN HEISSLER, Chief of child protection in ethiopia.
Social workers there had been encouraged as potential workforce in identifying risks regarding neglect,violation & other adverse condition.
UNICEF is recognizing & intimating Govt to link social workers in essential service providing with designation & proper facilitation .
But, What about steps that should be taken by our administrator? Might be gradually it would be implemented. But several steps would have to be cleared simultaneously..
- Social work profession should be protected by law as we have in other professional courses like-- LAW,MEDICINE etc.
- Introduction of Licensing system & different level of licensing like other Developed countries.
- Awareness among people & forbidding to use terminology like social worker(even by politicians).
- Instead they can use term like -"VOLUNTEERS"
- Recognition of professional body like
"Indian association of social worker" as like other professional body -"National Association Of Social Workers" in other country. " Health is wealth ". Emerging issues like increasing of covid cases & deployment of manpower can't be underestimated to any extent. If some kind of training can be provided, social workers can be our asset & future service provider to help people to help themselves------ That's the motto of "professional social work practice" Is not it? Hoping to see sunrise & gets this be highlighted, taken seriously into consideration regarding practice of social work in our society.. Because "Social workers are our next service provider especially in community care services"